Communication is Everything

Most of us have realized that communication is extremely important dealing with relationships.  We all have had problems that stemmed from miscommunication, or no communication. This can cause problems. Communication can turn deadly. communication One of the most crucial relationships where communication is critical is with our body, and the body’s communication with itself.  To make things more complex, there are different bodies that are unseen communicating with the physical body.  With my training, I look at the mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual planes, as well as the physical body.  If one can find the origin of where the problem started, remove the block (issue,) and bring circulation of the life force; healing is a strong possibility.   How many of us think about the communications we send to our body?  Do we realize that all form comes from thought?  Our thoughts are very powerful?  Do we realize that we program a powerful computer, and much of the data is outdated or negative?  Do we understand how our cells communicate with each other, and the chemistry that affects our moods, which in turn affect our thoughts? How many of us realize how we take in communications from others. With all of our advance technology, if all of the planes are not considered, then a healing may not last.   The body has a natural healing ability, but we shut it down.  This computerized space-suit that we call the physical body is having a tough time staying healthy.   Cancer is an epidemic. Heart, skin, digestive system, and our ability to be alert mentally have been compromised. The body is being challenged.  Stress, habits, addictions, food, and environmental toxins are affecting our health everyday.  What if we were meant to be well, and happy, but we just keep doing things that create imbalance?  There are financial considerations, which do not have the best interest of the person.  Foods have been modified with additives that our body can not digest or handle. The environmental toxin can be lethal.  There are more and more people are lethargic and unaware of the consequences.  We have become a drug—“medicated for my own good” society.   I am not suggesting that we throw all of our meds, or traditional medicine away.  I am suggesting that we listen to the communication within us.  If something alters life style to the point where I can not be who I am, then maybe I should take a look at another alternative.  Many times the alternative and traditional can work side-by-side very successfully.   There are simple things that may help.  A change of diet from addictive chemicals, and processed modified foods would help.  Apple cider Vinegar has been thought to alkaline the body, where disease can not survive.  Beet Root has affective for High Blood Pressure, with out side effects.  Our body needs minerals, and we are not getting them.  With the lack of nutrition in our foods and soil, supplements can be added.  I get many of mine from the 99 Cent store.  A healthy protein diet, can rebuild your body.  MSM and Jello, helps the body replace collagen to help ease joint pain, and clear the skin.  Clean the body inside to get rid of parasites, toxins, and wastes.  The rule is “food in, waste out.”  If this does not happen, we get sick.   We are now being asked to take vaccinations that have additives of substances that we don’t of.  If people knew what is in some of the formulas, that are supposed to protect us, they would be shocked.  Fluoride that we thought was going to keep our teeth healthy now has been found to have created many other problems.  Much of these so called solutions run on fear.  Fear is dangerous.  It makes us feel like we need to do things that we aren’t informed on just in case we might get sick.  Become informed, and make a decision on what makes sense to you, not based in maybes.   Most of what I have mentioned is fairly known, and can be added to our daily life easily.  That is the problem.  Simple solutions are available, easy, and inexpensive.  It doesn’t cost tons of money, or have a prescription attached to it, so we may not recognize it to be powerful and effective.  But they can be.   Our thoughts, worry, stress are ours, and don’t come from outside of our body.  How can a thought cause me a problem?  They do.  Everyone has a right to think what they choose. If your body is being torn apart, and it affects your freedom, and life style, and your acidic body becomes painful, take a look at how you approach your life.  Many take pride in worrying about their families, friends, self, and world.  It is usually thought of as awareness and caring.  Worry is chanting what you don’t want. We repeat, repeat without coming to a solution.  Meditation, exercise, hypnosis, tapping, and many wonderful tools, help awareness, and reprogram out-dated files.  

A few alternative tools:

If a client is going for Chemo or Radiation treatments, one can be hypnotized, and suggestions made that the body will discern between healthy and diseased cells.  The treatment will only affect the diseased cells, and the healthy cells will not be affected.  Hypnosis is amazing tool to prep someone before surgery. The healing and recovery can be faster, no excess bleeding, swelling, excess pain, and often what is being removed “lets go” with little problem.   The Cells have intelligence, and when informed that there is not danger with the intrusion, and understands the intent, it relaxes.   Our bodies can discern if it is told to.  It does it all of the time.  We eat something that it doesn’t like, and we get a stomach ache.  I am stressed, and I get a headache.  I don’t like what I am hearing, and I get an earache, or cold.  The metaphysical way of thinking is everything starts with thought, and works the communication down to the physical body.  Knees often mean bending to something that I don’t like of feel comfortable with.  The body is always giving us a clue as it communicates with us.  We don’t always hear it until it SCREAMS. balanceThere are tools of balance, such as tai chi, message, Reiki, hypnosis, frequency therapy, acupuncture, Medicine Buddha (teaches healing, and how to clear food, water, and the environment,) and so many healing techniques.  The alternative medicine is an amazing help, but it should be given to the person to learn for himself.  We often feel that we have to live with some kind of obstacle.  No, we just need to find out the best solution, and ease the suffering.   One must become aware of what they body really needs, so the cells don’t die.  Inflammation comes from contamination.  The Lymphatic system was designed to take away toxins and wastes.  When it can’t handle the debris, it makes the circulatory system carry the burden.  Blood is design to carry oxygen and nutrients, not waste.  It screams “inflammation, tired, nausea and help!  Are you listening?

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